Friday, June 3, 2011

Fielding Lake

Monday and Friday we drive 40 miles south to Fielding Lake to care for the campground and public use cabin. The Richardson Hwy follows the Delta River and I enjoy the names of some of the creeks we cross: Darling, Gunnysack, Whistler, and Suzy Q (who was she?). We pass Black Rapids and the new lodge there above the historic wooden roadhouse. The lodge is a 3-story inn with lovely decorated rooms and they serve 3 meals, but there’s no menu; you get whatever the cook chooses to prepare that day. See more about the lodge at

The road also follows the pipeline. The pipe rests on beams that allow it to move 22 feet in event of an earthquake. It also runs so hot (155-180 degrees) that if it were buried it would thaw the permafrost!

Fielding Lake still has some ice, but campers say they are already out catching grayling. Lots of waterfowl are here. So far we’ve seen a trumpeter swan, golden eye and mallard ducks, loons and AK’s state bird, the Willow Ptarmigan. Also watched a beaver on a chunk of ice one day.

These days end with the trip into Delta Junction to take trash and get supplies and use the library. It’s a very nice friendly library and does tend to send me back in time each time I check out a book and they pull out the hand stamp to remind me of the due date! They have wifi and computers, but still hand stamping.

Best wildlife sighting of the week: moose and her 2 calves – no camera handy unfortunately

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