Monday, June 13, 2011

bicycle guy

The other night we had a bicyclist spend the night in the campground who was quite unique. Wim (pronounced “Vim”) is from Holland and is biking from Anchorage to Argentina! He left May 31st going up the Denali Highway, then to Delta Junction where he’ll turn back south and go through Canada, down to the Continental Divide, over to Seattle, back to Yellowstone, then I think to San Francisco and on south through Mexico, Central America and South America. This will take him 9 months. Not sure why his route is so yo-yo-ish but that’s what he told us. This is his first time on this continent – what a way to see the world!

His bike weighs 30 pounds and he carries about 60 pounds in gear. The bike has a pedal power charger and it takes 10 hours of pedaling to recharge his batteries for various electronics. The back gear assembly of this 14-gear bike is totally enclosed eliminating lots of mechanical problems due to dirt, etc. Sadly, on the road to Donnelly his iPod had fallen off his bike and was run over by the time he realized it and went back for it. We sent Vim on his way with freshly made chocolate chip cookies and a good pancake breakfast. Good riding to Wim on the rest of his journey!

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