Saturday, May 28, 2011

AK character

The trip to Delta Friday included some sightseeing beginning with the visitor center at the end of the Alcan Highway. Yes, the mosquitoes here are big!

Delta is a town of about 3000 and one of those residents provided our entertainment of the week as we got off the beaten path. We followed a garage sale sign looking for a couple cabin items and landed in a field of collectables (ie. junk) that included absolutely everything you can imagine.

The owner was one John Phariss who was 85 years old and had stories that spanned WWII, working on the Aleyska pipeline, homesteading in Wrangell-St. Elias, running from the IRS, trapping and hunting. Stories included getting shot in the leg in the Philippines; falling 60 feet off a bridge doing construction, landing on a pipe on the way down to hit the ground; shooting 20 caribou in one day; and living in a tent for a time in the winter when the temperature got to -80 degrees (maybe that 60-foot fall did hurt him!). He also told about his 91 year old brother who is currently the oldest person with a CLD license, still driving a 18-wheeler hauling alcohol! His tractor was running the entire time and he did get in it and move it about 2 feet, hauling a large metal pipe.

Today, Saturday, we’ve come back to town for Pioneer Days. We began at the seasonal opening of the Sullivan Roadhouse which is a historic structure from the turn of the century with wonderful displays and as well as photographs of Ma and Pa Sullivan who ran the place as a stop on the road from Valdez to Fairbanks. Pioneer Days included local talent singing (actually quite good) and lots of booths in the Farmer’s Market. No produce yet, but the plants were enticing and we wish we could take advantage of the tomatoes especially. One young boy told us we should go down the road a ways to his grandma’s greenhouse, which we did, and came out with a 2-ft high sweet basil plant. These folks, as well as others in the market, were Russian. One lady told us she came here a few years ago to escape religious persecution.

There is a big fire about 30 miles east of town so a good rain is needed, but it looks like it will be sunny and hot for Memorial Day weekend and we are enjoying that!

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