Friday, May 27, 2011

Cabin improvements continued this week with the completion of a deck on 2 sides of the cabin, more rock steps and a crushed gravel walkway. It’s very fortunate to have a stone quarry across the street and piles of gravel only 2 miles away, both ours for the taking.

Tom crafted some nice natural wood (collected from the roadside) shelf supports. We are fast becoming a 5 star volunteer camp host facility!

I went for a lovely walk one night at 10pm – looked like 6pm but with the birds chirping so much it felt more like 6am in the lower 48. From the dike behind the campground, looking across the braided river, I got my first close up view of a herd of 50 or so buffalo. Delta Junction is known as “Buffalo Center.” Alaska bison died out 500 years ago, but in 1928 a herd of 23 was transplanted here from Montana. Here's our Donnelly Creek at sunset, 10:30pm.

The Alaska Range dominates the scenery with peaks that begin at about 2500’ and top out from 10,000’ - 13,800’ high. I suspect they’ll be snow covered all summer, but some of it is melting visibly as it finally got hot this week and the wind quite blowing for 2 days in a row so far! “Hot” here is in the 70s, but with no wind, it truly felt hot. More wildflowers are coming up and the birch are almost leafed out. Summer seems to be here.

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