Monday, May 23, 2011

Fairbanks day

Sunday, May 15.
Up with the sun…OK, that’s now a relative phrase. Today is supply day, but first a bit of sightseeing at the Museum of the North. This is a wonderful museum on the UA campus and a good intro to native cultures. Highlights were the beautiful closely woven baskets, the seal skin clothing, & ivory carvings. Excellent exhibits of the flora and fauna including, of course, a polar and grizzly. Then it was on to shopping. Prices in Fairbanks are quite competitive with the lower 48 including gas that is $4.18/gal. but the Kroger type store offered 30-cents/gal. off with the card I have. Things will be significantly more expensive in Delta Junction, so we hit Sam’s Club, Walmart and Fred Meyers (Kroger/Frys) to get staples for hopefully the next 2 months. And yes, I found a dutch oven! Looked out over the Alaska range from the hill on the University campus, the high spot in town, after dinner. That picture was taken at about 8:30pm. As you see, the weather couldn’t be better – sunny and 60s – the perfect beginning. Monday we will be picked up and taken down to Delta Jct where we’ll get a vehicle and head to the cabin at Donnelly Creek.

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