Friday, August 26, 2011

Reed Lake & Snowbird Mine

Another superb hike! This hike was east of Palmer in the Talkeetna Mountains on Hatcher Pass and was perhaps the best one yet.

The first mile and a half was an easy flat stroll to this fixer-upper, the only remaining building of a small village that was there for the Snowbird Mine above. After this the trail got steeper and followed a cable that ran all the way to the mine. We used the cable on one short section to help pull ourselves up.

The views just kept getting better all the way up. A small waterfall, several lakes, lush vegetation and views out into the valley that can't be beat. The pictures don't show it, but several times the sun was shining and there was blue sky!

Snowbird Mine was prospected in the 1920s, developed in the 40s and closed down in 1950. Haven't found any source that tells how much gold was pulled out. The mine entrance was higher on the mountain than this rubble we went to and there didn't appear to be a trail to it. We did go on higher up though, partly on a trail and partly cross country.

With a bit of rock scrambling, we got a view of this lovely high mountain lake, Lower Reed Lake, and then found a trail again that led a little higher, our summit for the day. Some interesting rocks here, one of which Tom held up for so we could get a good picture.

Happy hikers Kristen, Jane, Tom & Ron

The way down was cut considerably shorter by a few well placed patches of snow!

Fireweed going red for the fall, a marmot and finally blueberries for munching on finished off this great hike.

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